Ease of handling, speed of mooring and rope safety are the trademark of Lankhorst Ropes. Manufactured in the EU using the latest in-house yarn extrusion and rope production techniques, the rope construction is optimised to suit the application and prevailing mooring conditions. All Lankhorst ropes are manufactured from premium materials with full rope traceability. Moreover, as a leading rope manufacturer we work closely with our suppliers such as DSM Dyneema, to ensure the highest quality standards from raw materials, through manufacture, delivery and installation of the finished rope.
Consistent rope performance is vital during mooring and towing. Using Lankhorst ropes, vessel operators are assured that their ropes are made with the greatest materials consistency to provide the same elongation, and service life, enabling more efficient rope management and supply through Lankhorst Ropes’ extensive global stock point network. In this way, the risk of mixed mooring is eliminated.