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Lankhorst Ropes, through its US-based sister company Phillystran, has donated mooring lines to Mercy Ships, an international non-governmental, faith-based organization providing healthcare services to the world’s poorest countries. The Euroflex® ropes will be used to moor the Africa Mercy, the largest charity-run hospital ship in the world, dedicated to serving the people of sub-Saharan Africa.
Formerly a Danish rail ferry, before an extensive refit, the Africa Mercy contains five operating rooms, a four-bed recovery area, intensive care for up to five patients, and 80 ward beds. It carries about 400 volunteer crew members from up to 50 nations. Each year, over 2,000 free, life-changing surgeries are performed in the operating theatres onboard. Mooring the Africa Mercy safely and securely in a sub-Saharan African port is no small feat compared to mooring a regular vessel.
“African ports present many port and weather challenges. The blazing African sun, in particular, causes ropes to deteriorate quickly,” said Ciaran Holden, Marine Operations Technical Director for Mercy Ships. “The stability of the vessel for the surgical procedures and the comfort of our patients and crew is crucial for us to accomplish our work. Thanks to the generous donation from Lankhorst Ropes, the Africa Mercy can be tied up safely doing what it was designed to do.”
Euroflex® Rope Reels Delivered
Lankhorst Ropes has delivered the four reels of Euroflex® rope to the Mercy Ships warehouse and storage facility in Texas for shipping to the Africa Mercy. Euroflex® ropes offer excellent handling properties, including high strength and excellent abrasion resistance, to produce one of the best performing mooring ropes available.
The decision to donate the Euroflex® ropes followed a chance meeting with a Mercy Ships representative at the last Workboat show. “When we heard about how Mercy Ships is changing lives among the world’s poorest, we felt the least we could do was to donate some mooring lines to the cause,” said Mark Pieter Frölich, Commercial Director for Lankhorst Ropes USA. “These high-performance Lankhorst Euroflex® mooring ropes will keep the Africa Mercy secured during their good work in West Africa.”
Mercy Ships – serving the world’s forgotten poor
Mercy Ships serves countries that lie on the lower third of the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) Human Development Index, where access to safe, affordable, and timely surgery is extremely limited. As a result, countless people suffer and die from conditions that can easily be cured. Mercy Ships’ programs offer holistic support to developing countries striving to make healthcare accessible for all. Since 1978, Mercy Ships has delivered services to more than 2.71 million direct beneficiaries.
For more information on Mercy Ships, visit www.mercyship.org.