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As a supplier it is Lankhorst Ropes’ responsibility to apply the right valued added tax (VAT) rate on our invoices. Recently there have been minor adjustments to the VAT statement required meaning we may need additional documentation from some of Lankhorst’s customers.
Dutch VAT regulations mean that a 0% rate is applied to some goods delivered to seagoing vessels. To apply the 0% rate, Lankhorst Ropes needs customers collecting goods in the Netherlands or receiving deliveries in Europe to provide a statement that they meet the following criteria:
1. The vessel is in International Waters for at least 70% of the time spent at sea. And,
2. The goods are for 100% commercial use
This statement needs to be resubmitted each year, from this year onward with additional criteria, the calculation method. The applicable calculation methods (A, B, C or D) are stated in the footnote of the vessel statement.
We cannot clarify a 0% rate to the Dutch Internal Revenue Service without an IMO number and a statement from the ship owner/manager. Therefore, please submit a completed statement for 2020 to Lankhorst Ropes as soon as possible, otherwise we will be unable to supply any future orders with 0% VAT.
We trust you understand our position and look forward to receiving your statement. If you have already sent all required statements, we thank you for your assistance and be assured that, unless notified, no further action is required for this year.